Many of my customers ask me what they should do when it comes to branding their gifts, should they or shouldn’t they ?? My answer is always a question back to them, if you received a gift with branding all over it, would you think it was a gift or a marketing exercise?
So if you are thinking of sending out branded coffee mugs, glass ware or anything that you will use around the house, think again….I know I wouldn’t use them. Gift giving to clients is a thought and a gesture of “thank you for your business”, it is important that it impresses them not turn them off your company.
I have heard conversations from my friends who purchase investment properties, and sell homes choosing their Real Estate agent based on who gives the best gifts!
So think about the person you are giving too, are they are family? Are they single ? what is the gift for? These are some questions we would ask when you are sending thank you gift baskets, call us if you need more advise, we have been doing this for 13 years, we are here to help.