To thank or not to thank … that is the question??
So many times I have received an irate phone call from a customer ready to have a go at us for not delivering their gift, only to find on investigation that it has been delivered, on the day they specified and signed for by the intended! What? No thank you?? It is so upsetting not only for the customer but for us too, as it is so awkward when we have to tell them it was delivered but the recipient does not have the manners to thank them… we don’t actually say it like that, but it is true.
So this week we have had a situation where a gift was delivered to a work address and the recipient was not at work that day, the issue was, it was ordered by a lovely man living overseas, trying to have a long distance romance with his girl who had just moved to Australia 4 months ago. He emailed me several times concerned that we hadn’t delivered it and was very disappointed and upset she had not contacted him to thank him. Now my heart goes out to him, having a long distance relationship is hard and it seems that she may have moved on, because he still had not received that all important call or email to simply say “thank you” :(
Do we have these unrealistic fantasies when we are in relationships/friendships? What we need to do is to let go of the outcome and be open and loving to what is …. So if you are a recipient of a gift basket, for goodness sake, call the sender and thank them… please! And my advice to all you lovers out there, be open to everything and attached to nothing, it will make your life more peaceful.